The Big Listen ended production in May 2018. While this site is no longer updated, all the content remains available for archive purposes.

National Geographic explorer Clare Fieseler has a way cooler job than you.
Hey, pals!
As a species, we humans love to explore. We also love to share our explorations with other people (think of all the family vacation slideshows and home movies people have suffered through over the years). There are tons of podcasts out there celebrating travel and adventure and we figured we’d showcase a few so we could live vicariously through them.
But podcasts aren’t just a great way to chronicle interesting journeys or share travel tips; they’re also a perfect travel companion. Clare Fieseler knows this better than most. She’s a National Geographic explorer and Smithsonian fellow. And in her spare time, she’s also a marine ecologist studying coral reefs around the world.
Fieseler travels to some of the most remote parts of the globe for her very cool job(s) and a lot of the time her destinations lack the creature comforts one might be used to living in the U.S. Often there’s no WiFi or even running water or flush toilets. So podcasts are often her only entertainment. Before she leaves on a long trip, she downloads a month’s worth of shows to keep her company during long plane rides or bumpy bus journeys or lonely nights spent running experiments.
Here’s what her playlist is looking like these days:
Love + Radio — The Living Room
Radiolab — The Man Behind The Maneuver
Listen to the rest of the show!
This is just one segment from a whole show about adventure! Click here to explore the entire episode.
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